
Effective Organisational Culture, Power and Politics in the Company - A Study on 4com plc


  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3909
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Organization Selected : 4com plc
Question :

This assessment will cover some of the important questions which are like:

  • What are the effective organisational culture, power and politics in the company?
  • Give the effective team management function and also the concepts and philosophies for organisational behaviour.
Answer :


Organizational behaviour deals with the behaviour of an individual and how they interact with each other. This study is applied in a real-life scenario so to create a more efficient business environment. The assignment is related to the 4com plc founded in 1999 at Bournemouth, Dorset. The company is aim to improve the communication service of Small and medium enterprises in the United Kingdom. This will discuss how culture, politics and power influence the behaviour of the individual. Moreover, how individuals can motivate the team and achieve the goals of the individual. How Content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques help the organization to achieve the goal of 4Com plc. At last, philosophies and concepts affect organizational behaviour.


P1 Organization culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance

Organizational Culture is an amalgamation of values, assumptions, norms shared between the employees. Culture plays and crucial part in the company as it affects the employee's motivation and performance in a greater sense. 4Com should maintain and monitor its working environment and try to make it a friendly one so that employees can give their best performance thus helping the 4Com plc to attain its vision (Wilson, 2017). Organisational culture is beautifully described by Handy's typology and how it influences the behaviour of the company.

Handy's typology:

According to Charles Handy, there are four types of culture which are described below,

Power culture

Power culture states that the authority remains at the hand of a few individual and they are the only one who decides the company. This kind of person has a special power within the organization. 4Com plc can use this power in the critical time as it helps in taking the fast decision. Other than that their decision affects the performance of the company if the decision does not favour the employee's benefits.

Task culture

In this culture, tasks are assigned to the individual according to their skills and capabilities to accomplish a specific task. Teams are made to solve any particular task that can affect the company's efficiency. Through this culture, the productivity of the teams and individual increase due to the synergy factor (Wilson, 2018). 4Com plc should use this task to divide the overall goals of the company and divide it into the different tasks and try to achieve them within a given period.

Person culture

In this culture, individual of the company feels more important and unique themselves. Their main focus is to attain their objectives and goals rather than the company's objective. This type of culture can affect the 4com plc in a negative sense. It will degrade the friendly nature of the culture and thus degrade the motivation of the employees. 4Com plc should try to ignore this culture as much as possible.

Role culture

Role culture spells out that roles and responsibilities assigned to the individual are according to their skills and abilities. This can help the individual to improve their productivity while working as the task assigned is according to their competencies. It can also help individuals to improve their knowledge and skills through continuous learning. 4Com plc should try to inculcate this culture as it will help the company and individuals attain their goals and objectives.

Organisation's power

Power refers to the authority a person has due to their position held in the company. French and raven have described power into five types which are described below,

Referent power

This type of power comes from the interrelationship and attractive behaviour of the individual. This can help the 4Com plc to increase their productivity and efficiency by giving the power to the born leader.

Legitimate power

This is a type of power people acquired from the position they have held in the company. 4Com plc should assign this type of power to the capable person as it will help the company to attain its goals. But if the power is given to the incapable person then they might use it for their personal use which can affect the performance of the 4Com plc.

Expert power

Power is assigned to the person who has vast knowledge and expertise in their specific field. This type of person can help others to increase their knowledge and skills thus increasing the overall productivity of the company. 4Com plc can use this type of power to improve their knowledge and skills to attain their vision.

Reward power

Power is assigned to the individual by rewarding them according to their work and quality of it. Rewards include promotions, incentives, bonuses, trips etc. 4Com plc can use this type of power to motivate the employees by rewarding them according to their performance.

Coercive power

When the individual has the authority to threaten other employees to work harder or they would be replaced by another (Robbins and Judge, 2014). Coercive power has a positive and negative impact on the employees. If used in a better way it can improve the efficiency and effectivity of the 4com plc employees. If used in a negative way it can degrade the performance of the employees.

Organisation politics

Politics plays an important part in the success of the organization. It can create a positive or negative impact according to the use of politics. Politics can create a positive impact on 4Com plc as it will help the company to assign the task according to their specialities. But on the other hand, this power can be used by the individual to nag other employees and degrade their performance. Hence company should positively use politics to improve the performance of the employees.

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P2 Content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques to enable effective achievements of goals in an organization

Motivation is a process of force initiated within an individual to attain any given assigned task. It can help the individual to improve their performance by increasing the efficiency of the performance while working. 4Com plc can motivate their employees through giving promotions. Monetary benefits, recognition in the workplace etc. There are two different types of motivational theories i.e.., Content theory and motivation theory which can help the 4com plc to attain their vision with full efficiency is described below,

Content theory of motivation

The content theory states how and why individual motivation changes with time and what factors affect the performance of the individual. In this assignment, Maslow's hierarchy theory is taken into consideration. An individual should attain their lower hierarchy which is also known as definition needs to shift to the other need known as growth needs. All the different levels of hierarchy are explained below,

Physiological need: This need includes water, air, food, shelter etc. This need has occupied the lower level of the pyramid. Physiological needs have to be achieved as it is the basic amenities required by the individual to stay alive. 4Com plc should give their employees proper salary and working conditions so to attain this need. It would help the company to improve the performance of the employees thus helping the company to achieve its business objectives.

Safety need: Safety needs becomes the priority of the individual after attaining the physiological need. This type of need includes a healthy working environment, job security, freedom from any type of discrimination in the workplace etc. 4com plc should provide all the factors so to satisfy the safety need of employees (Pettigrew, 2014). It would help the company to improve their performance in the workplace hence helping the 4com plc to upgrade their productivity at work.

Social need: This need includes love, friendship, and compassion among the employees in the workplace. It helps the individual to increase their productivity while working. 4Com plc should organise informal meetings, parties, and brainstorming sessions so that they get to know each other and the relationship between the employees will get better. A friendly environment helps the company to improve its performance thus helping the company to attain their vision. Isolation at the workplace would lead to depression and impacts the performance of the employees.

Esteem need: It becomes the priority of an individual after achieving all the deficiency needs of the pyramid. Employees should be valued and respected by the other workforce so to improve their performance of the employee. 4Com plc should give promotion and recognition to the employees according to their performance rather than on favouritism. It will help the employee in their personal and professional growth.

Self-actualization needs: This need is at the top level of need in the pyramid. It is the level where employees want to accomplish the challenging task to realize their potential. 4Com plc should give different and unique scenarios to attain the full potential consequently helping the employee and company to achieve their full productivity.

Process theory of motivation

Process theory deals with the psychology and behaviour of an individual and how it helps the employees to increase motivation among employees. There are four different types of enforcement which are described below,

Positive reinforcement: In this enforcement, employees can be motivated by giving rewards and awards according to their performance while working. 4Com plc should give rewards to the employees so to increase the motivation of the employees. Through this, especially sales team can be motivated by giving incentives and bonus by the 4com plc for their extra work generated by them.

Negative reinforcement: It is a way of shrinking the unappealing behaviour of employees so that their productivity won't get affected. It helps the employees to remove their weaknesses thus helping in attaining more productivity. 4Com plc could threaten the employees so to remove their undesirable

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